Destruction of the U.S.A. gunboat Hatteras by a Rebel Cruiser off Galveston, Texas


Destruction of the U.S.A. gunboat Hatteras by a Rebel Cruiser off Galveston, Texas


Neatly rendered naval battle scene.


January 11, 1863


Recto: "Destruction of the U.S.A. gunboat Hatteras by a rebel cruiser, supposed to be the famous Alabama, on Sunday night, January 11th, 1863, off Galveston Texas // (the drawing of the H is from the vessel & correct.) // [signed] F.H.S./ Turn over."
Verso: "[attached newspaper] [Correspondence of the New Orleans Delta.] "OFF GALVESTON, TEXAS, Jan. 13, 1863 // Of the first Galveston disaster you know all. The rebels occupy the city with a strong force of 5000 or 7000 men. The city is well fortified with batteries all round. "On Sunday evening a strange sail appeared off the harbor. The gunboat Hatteras went in chase about seven o'clock. A heavy fire was soon after heard, and sloop-of-war Brooklyn and the gunboat Sciota started in pursuit. The firing ceased before these vessels reached the spot -- some twenty miles from Galveston. At daylight the next day Capt. Lowry, of the Sciota, picked up a boat containing an officer and five men, belonging to the Hatteras. They reported that at seven o'clock on Sunday evening the Hatteras ranged up along side of a steamer, which looked like the Alabama; she was hailed by Capt. Blake, and replied that 'I am her Britannic majesty's steamer Spitfire.' Capt. Blake said: 'Heave to - I will send a boat on board of you.' A boat was lowered - the one spoken of as having been picked up. Just as this boat shoved off, the strange steamer opened furious fire on the Hatteras. Both vessels then engaged in fierce combat - running ahead of the boat; but soon after - say about twenty minutes - the officer in the boat saw the Hatteras stop, evidently crippled; then there was load cheering on board the rebel steamer. The Brooklyn and Sciota cruised all night, and next morning found the wreck of the Hatteras, sunk in nine fathoms of water. Some of her boats were picked up, which contained arms and bloody clothes. But the victor had disappeared. The Hatteras was a purchased iron vessel, sister to the steamer St. Mary. She was unfit for a man-of-war- - having no powers of endurance. Her battery consisted of three small rifled guns and four short 32-pounders. The rebel had heavy guns -- 68 pounders, by the sound." Verso contd.: "Opinions differ as to who she was. Some think she was from Mobile, and not the 290. The rams and fortifications and at Galveston are formidable // [in brown ink, canceled] 16 Friday."


Horizontal folds; pink marks in lower and mid left margin; newspaper glued to reverse; glue stains at upper corners; brown stain in lower left.


Graphite on wove paper


8.25 x 9 in.


Graphite drawings--American--1860-1870
Marine drawings--American--1860-1870


29.4719753, -94.7691586


Original drawing location: CW-FHS-TX-1/11/63 (Box 8.)


Ref. Number




Schell, Francis H., 1834-1909, “Destruction of the U.S.A. gunboat Hatteras by a Rebel Cruiser off Galveston, Texas,” The Becker Collection, accessed March 13, 2025,