Mount Jackson, Virginia, Showing the Cavalry Charge


Mount Jackson, Virginia, Showing the Cavalry Charge


Curious instance of an attempt to fake an eye-witness sketch.


October 10, 1864


Recto: "north // 'Mt. Jackson,' [in ink] Va. // Masanetten Gap // Masanetten Gap // Trees // 5 miles distant // These mountains are five miles distant // stable // trees on distant mts // Reb hospital // Winchester Pike // Grass // Rebels // Dirt road // Manassas Gap RR // Custer & Merritt charging the Rebels through Mt. Jackson last Sunday morning Oct 10th // Grass // very windy // Dirt Road" ."
Verso: "I left the front Saturday Morning - supposing there would be nothing doing in the Military line - to go to Baltimore for funds & necessaries - a cavalry fight took place that very evening - the wind blew a Hurricane & continued so till Monday morning - my leaving Strasburg in the morning prevented me seeing the affair but I thought enterprise demand something so I sketched the conclusion of the charge on the spot at Mt. Jackson (ie Baltimore) the sketch of the Town was taken as the army felel back & is a correct view - it shows where you enter the town from the north by the Winchester pike - Here the Manassas Gap Rail Road terminates - the intention was to have completed it to Staunton - all that is necessary is to make a fight to complete the picture - Mt. Jackson was used by the rebels as a vast Hospital in connection with the Shenandoah Raid. 4 large Hospitals were built - by Jackson, I believe, three of which are represented in the sketch_ // [signed] J. E. Taylor."


Vertical and horizontal folds; loss of paper at upper left and dog ear at lower right.


Graphite on heavy gauge wove paper with ink writing


7.5 x 18 in.


Graphite drawings--American--1860-1870


38.7459482, -78.6422377


Original drawing location: CW-JT-VA-10/10/64 (Box 9.)


Ref. Number



Taylor, James E., 1839-1901, “Mount Jackson, Virginia, Showing the Cavalry Charge,” The Becker Collection, accessed March 13, 2025,