Browse Items (26 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Subject is exactly "Maryland--History--Civil War, 1861-1865" of 2 Next Page Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added The Retreat of General Lee's Army, Crossing at Williamsport, Maryland Bonwill, Charles E. H., b. ca. 1836 July 13, 1863 The Enemy Throwing Up Fortifications, As Seen Through a Telescope, Funkstown, Maryland Bonwill, Charles E. H., b. ca. 1836 July 13, 1863 Confederates Shelling Our Advanced Forces near Funkstown, Maryland - View from the Signal Station Bonwill, Charles E. H., b. ca. 1836 July 10, 1863 Emmettsburg, Maryland - General Meade's Army pursuing General Lee Bonwill, Charles E. H., b. ca. 1836 July 6, 1863 Seventh Regiment., N.Y. State militia in Camp at Frederick, MD., July 1863 Avery, John July 1863 Regular Engineers Building a Bridge Across the Antietam near Funkstown, Maryland Bonwill, Charles E. H., b. ca. 1836 June 11, 1863 Rebel Cavalry Officers Driving Back the Skulkers Schell, Francis H., 1834-1909 September 17, 1862 Antietam: General View of the Battle, September 17 Schell, Francis H., 1834-1909 September 17, 1862 Antietam: The Fight at Poffinberger's Farm Schell, Francis H., 1834-1909 September 17, 1862 Rebel Cavalry Crossing the Georgetown Turnpike Bridge, Near Frederick Junction, Maryland Schell, Francis H., 1834-1909 September 1862 Old Church Near Sharpsburg -- The Rebels Make a Desperate Stand at This Position Schell, Francis H., 1834-1909 September 1862 People of Baltimore witnessing the Erection of the Fortifications by Warren Zouaves Hall, Edward S., b. ca. 1840 [July August, 1861] Occupation of Baltimore Hall, Edward S., b. ca. 1840 May 8, 1861 Fort McHenry Hall, Edward S., b. ca. 1840 [May-August, 1861] Fort Washington, Rockaway Creek, Maryland Lumley, Arthur, ca. 1837-1912 July 1861 Fleet at Annapolis No date The Baltimore Sanitary Fair April 24, 1864 Occupation of Baltimore Hall, Edward S., b. ca. 1840 [April-May, 1861] General Banks' Camp near Frederick, Maryland Schell, Francis H., 1834-1909 September 1862 Federal Hill, Baltimore Hall, Edward S., b. ca. 1840 [May-August, 1861] of 2 Next Page Output Formats atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2